SurePath FAQs

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SurePath FAQs

This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about SurePath.


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Does SurePath process Powers-of-Attorney?

Due to watermark restrictions, etc., our current approach is that Powers-of-Attorney will be attached to a bond after it is executed.


Do I have to let my clients execute their own bonds?

No.  You can always use SurePath to process all bonds within your agency.  With SurePath you have the option of granting your clients real-time access to their bond lists and requests.  A further option allows you to grant specific users at specific clients the ability to execute bonds.


If I grant a client access to SurePath, will they see commission information?

No.  Only agents and underwriters have access to commission information.  Clients can only see premium information.


Can I do business with carriers not using SurePath?

Yes.  You can process bonds for carriers, even if they are not using SurePath.  However, if your underwriters are using SurePath they will have real-time access to the bond list, transaction information, executed bonds, as well as program information to better collaborate on serving your accounts.  This eliminates the need to "paper report" your executed bonds.


How long will it take to get the forms I use into the system?

The forms you use may already be in the SurePath system, if they have been requested by another user.  If they are not, InSure Vision prioritizes adding forms to the system based on need.  If you need a form immediately to process a bond, InSure Vision will add the form within 24 hours after receiving the original form (see below).  If you have a large library of forms you need added to the system for future use, InSure Vision will work with you to schedule adding those forms.


How many custom fields can a bond form have in SurePath?

SurePath is designed to accommodate a virtually unlimited number of custom fields on a bond form.  There are forms in the library which have dozens of custom fields.


Can I transfer existing bonds into the SurePath Network?

Yes.  Using Advanced Processing, it is now possible to "execute" an existing bond by specifying a Bond Number and marking the bond as an "uploaded" bond.  You can even process the bond without having to specify a bond form.  Once this is completed, the bond list is updated and future processing of the bond, such as riders and renewals, can take place inside SurePath.

In addition, we're working on a new Bond Transfer Utility that will be able to transfer a larger number of bonds into the SurePath Network.


Can I integrate SurePath with my website?

Yes.  SurePath is designed to allow you to host the SurePath client access services in your website.  This means your clients see SurePath as a service provided by your agency.  You can also use Cascading Style Sheets to customize colors and fonts to match your website.


Can I integrate my other software with SurePath?

Yes.  SurePath provides interfaces for obtaining billing information, as well as extending the agent's navigational tree.  Additional custom integration can be provided on a time and materials basis.  InSure Vision will also work with your development staff to resolve integration issues.



What type of database does SurePath use?

SurePath is designed as a 3-tier application using Microsoft SQL Server as the database, Microsoft Internet Information Server for web pages, and Microsoft Transaction Server for business rules processing.


How does InSure Vision handle security?

All data transferred to or from the server is transferred through SSL encryption. 


Our physical servers are maintained at an Equinix SAS 70 Type II data center in a secure location.  If you would like more specific information on how we address a specific security issue, please contact us.



SurePath doesn't answer all of my needs.  How can I address that?

InSure Vision's staff is always looking for ways to improve our products and we welcome your suggestions.  In fact many of our current features are based on suggestions from our customers.  If you have a suggestion, you can post it on-line through the SurePath Community, or contact us.  We document all suggestions and periodically review them for inclusion in a future release.


Prior to beginning work on a new release we hold a Specifications Review meeting to review all proposed changes.  These meetings are open to a limited number of users.  If you are interested in participating, you can contact us.  You will be required to sign a standard non-disclosure agreement prior to participating.

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